Wednesday, November 11, 2009

you can't touch...Kristin Rohan!!

I had the pleasure of attending SMCSYD – Social Media Club Sydney last night at UTS, with fellow #nscm ers. Kristin Rohan and Tony Cosentino.

The topic was Building and Managing Online Audiences and the special guest was MC Hammer, yes THE MC Hammer!!

Now I can be honest with you, my #nscm buddies, I went last night because I had heard the SMCSYD was a great event with quality speakers but I thought MC Hammer’s attendance was the token celebrity, with a major sponsor, not that he would contribute to the content and information on the evening!

Well shut my mouth and paint me purple !! I was so impressed by his knowledge and skill as well as being in fine form for a man over 40!!

I was a fan of MC Hammer 1.0 but I am inspired by MC Hammer 3.0!!

This man lives and breathes what he is talking about, he adds value to any converstation.

He spoke of being authentic, engaging and being the centre of your information universe & more!

Unlike other visiting celebs, he didn’t take himself seriously and had a laugh with the room about his past.  He even answered the following questions posed via Twitter feed (too chicken to say in person??) and via mic:

  • “What can and can’t you touch?”
  • Do you feel and tweet differently when you are wearing your Hammer pants?

On a serious side he answered questions about future apps, technology he uses (yes he IS a little geeky), how does Social Media handle the challenges of the poor and language translation, what does he see as the future of social media and will it change the world.

I liked his answer to the question:

Q: “Your star shone very brightly for a short time, do u think if social media had been around, your career would have been different?” (this is from memory not transcribed)

A: “I wouldn’t wanted anything to be different! I love the journey I have been on.  If things have gone differnetly, I would not be speaking to you now”  He added, he believes in the Butterfly Effect – if one thing had been different this would then affect many more outcomes.  I loved it!! He is so REAL!

Our divine Kristin had tweeted Hammer directly (yes note I am now on second name terms with him!!) and made him a gorgeous gift of vintage fabric envelope with a gorgeous card inside finished with a choc satin ribbon, and got to give it to him and even got a hug!!

He was so divine, even telling off Rob Rohan (Mr Krisitn Rohan to us) for taking her out of the USA!!

Sorry, Rob, Tony and I missed the hug shot as we were watching it live!!)

Kristin is one of my heroes!!

Another hero of mine is Tony Cosentino – despite this tweet during the event:

Here it is incase your eyesight is like mine:

Tony has been the only reason I have not picked up Wordpress and the Ecommerce plug-in and submerged it in a bath!

He is a professional, honest business man with a lot of integrity with an AMAZING previous career.

He is a great encouragement and a fabulous coach.  More importantly he is very generous and a wonderful man!

A new hero of mine is David Peachey.  A footballer who played here then overseas and is now with the Rabitos (please be inpressed that I can recount this, sport like techie things are not my strengths!!!)

David started the David Peachey Foundation in 2004 with the goals:

• Providing educational scholarships & overseas exchange opportunities for school students.
• Allocating sporting grants to talented indigenous youth.
• Engaging in the ongoing reconcilliation process & personal development of indiginous youth through mentoring & cultural immersion camps.
• Delivering education, health & sports programs in regional & remote indigenous communities throughout Australia.

Thanks to Tony’s iniitative of speaking to David about #pianostairssyd (more on this soon), I got to speak to David one on one.  So inspiring!! He is actually being the change he wants to see in the world!

David’s focus is on education not sport, he proudly told me that only 2 of the kids play footy! 2 new recipients are doing medicine at Sydney Uni…fantastic. 

David is giving hope to the children and communiities where there was none – what an amazing legacy!

I enourage you all to visit the site and learn about the foundation.

Keep an eye out for the next SMCSYD! It is a great event and although I did not meet so many of the attendees last night there is a great assortment of people.

All I can say is that the connections I have made via Social Media (Kristin & Tony amongst them) have definitley enriched my life and business and I look forward to more adventures, experiences and stories!!



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Posted via email from North Side Coffee Mornings

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the gorgeous people you meet online..Pete & Dave

Being online does not mean that your offline manners and sensibilities do not make the same impact.

I had the pleasure of meeting Pete Goodlet @petegoodlet and David Gale @daylesford_dave on Twitter.  A comment was made about blogging and the challenges.  I replied it is easy, even my Mum is on Twitter, Facebook & has a blog (she IS an extraordinary woman).

Buoyed by this, off they went!! And how!  I watch the chook video on the blog whenever I need a giggle!! J

Turns out that they are super creative, funny, talented and simply gorgeous people and I enjoy chatting with them.   Pete is an artist, not just a good ‘drawer’ but  a poet too!!  They work from a studio /gallery in Daylesford (yum!) that is c. 1865 – how can beautiful things not come from that!!

Pete very generously sent me some of his cards – one that even looks a little like me!! (pic below)

The blog:

The Website:

Checkout and or buy the cards onEtsy:

I will visit them one day and I hope when they are in Sydney we will see eachother and I feel that we will be firm friends for a long time to come, enriching all of us and making us smile!

And it would not have happened if Pete didn’t Tweet and I didn’t hear him!!

Ps: in case you don’t know, I am a stationery addict and wholesaler – but only the good stuff!

I nearly don’t want to give the cards to people ….actually I think I will arrange them on the wall of mmy new office….stay tuned!!

Posted via email from Miss Manners' posterous

Friday, November 6, 2009

divine fun : 16 October 2009

Where minds meet,

Brains share &

Lives are enriched with Integrity,

Honesty, loads of Laughter

& Yummy Food!!

Posted via email from tweetSHAREgrow

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

some things just don't translate!!

Couldn’t resist taking this shot at a major intersection.

Yes you read right:


Grooming Boarding

Made me giggle!!

And why the 2 phone numbers???? 

But seriously – who made the sign??!!

Posted via email from Miss Manners' posterous

Monday, October 19, 2009

techies still use paper & pens!

@ #nscm last week, I was so happy to see that the tech savvy Kristin Rohan @kristinrohan and my Wordpress master Tony Cosentino @justbecos actually use a notebook and pen as well as their funky little gadgets!!

That’s Tony’s moleskin in the background!

There’s nothing like bits of appers and intersting info re-discovered as you flick thru your book!!

Kristin’s printed satin notebook is choc-filled with papers, mementos, cards, ideas and musings!

Tony with notebook at the ready

Long live Paper!!

Posted via email from Paper Magnolia

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Social Media 101 - Part 3

Have you read Social Media 101 - Part 1 & Part 2? This post will make more sense if you have.

We have covered; What is Social Media and Networking sites MySpace & Facebook.

Twitter ( is the social media of the moment, despite starting in 2006. Twitter asks users to answer “What are you doing right now?” in 140 characters or less. It is, in essence, a status update or a micro blog.

Like other social media sites, Twitter users are encouraged to connect and interact to build relationship and communications. ‘Twibes’, a wordplay on Tribes, are people with common interests. Connecting with members in your Twibe of interest ensures you get the most from your interactions and make better quality connections.

At the moment, on the Twibe site (, there are:
o 21 ‘Retail’ Twibes
o 40 ‘Sales’ Twibes
o 19 ‘Customer’ Twibes
o 29 ‘Gift’ Twibes
o 35 ‘Shopping’ Twibes
o 40 ‘Shop’ Twibes

That is 184 Twibes that you as a Gift Retailer can interact with immediately. Once you find a Twibe you would like to join, you simply hit the button and enter your Twitter account and password (the first time only) and the information is automatically attached to your account.

It is important to make your ‘Tweets’ interesting and relevant.

Although Twitter is mainly text based you can upload photos to sites such as Twitpic ( and write a comment which will automatically update your Twitter status (too easy!). If you have more than one photo per topic then it is best to upload on your site, Facebook or blog and then Tweet about that via a link.

Twitter retail store application:

· Update Stock just in or on its way (create excitement)
· Communicate instore promotions
· Create ‘Spot Special’ excitement – clear stock that is not moving at what is normally a quiet time
· Interesting stories your have read online
· Interesting magazine articles
· Keep emphasising the thing that makes your store different
· Connect with complimentary businesses to promote your business
· Connect with suppliers, customers and other local businesses
· Connect with relevant Twibes

The Social Media landscape should be a little clearer for you now, next up: Blogging!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Social Media 101 - Part 2

Have you read Social Media 101? This post will make more sense if you have.

To understand where we are now, let’s look back a few years.

My Space ( was launched in 2003 and quickly became ‘the’ must-join site. It predominantly engaged and was used by Gen Y, artists and musicians. It was easy to dismiss as it did not have an obvious business application, even though it did launch many bands and artists worldwide. It connected them directly with their market and encouraged direct interaction. For the first time, people could have a ‘personal’ interaction with their favourite artists, as well as other people that spanned time zones, countries and demographics.

My Space challenged Gen X and older. We did not share our personal information with perfect strangers! We were more private and did not see a place for this social site in our lives.

Facebook ( quickly followed and was not as easy to dismiss or ignore. Initially, developed in 2004, as a ‘keep in touch’ tool for Harvard graduates, Facebook quickly spread around the world and across many generations. It allows users to have their own FREE mini-website and a voice. Users set up their page, invite people to connect with them and share information, photos, music and videos. It was the photo application that was quickly adopted by users and lead to Facebook’s incredibly rapid adoption among the not so tech-savvy public.

Facebook Applications were added to extend the interactions on the site. There are over 35 000 applications on the site, ranging from surveys, quizzes, petitions, fortune telling & real time chess! In addition to a personal page, Facebook allows business pages, blogging, advertising, creation of group and events. All of these tools/applications can be used to promote your business and develop a close relationship and interaction with current and new customers.

Pages can be public, so that anyone can view them, or private, where connections are made by invitation only. Generally, personal pages are private and people must request or be invited to connect. Business Pages and Events are generally open and can be followed at the click of a button.

Facebook users can post regular status updates, comment about information on friends’ pages or join a conversation on public interest pages. The choice is endless, the result is a closer immediate interaction. The beauty of Facebook is the ability to use images and text to make it more interesting.

Facebook retail store application:

· you can create a page for your store
· link to your website, blog, twitter
· provide store location & contact details
· update your status daily with: new stock in store, sale information, product information, funny short stories, nice customer interactions, website updates, loyalty program information etc
· upload pictures of your product lines
· invite customers to upload pictures with your products or experiences
· ask questions and engage your customers (Discussions tab)
· provide reviews / testimonials of past sales (Reviews tab)
· add a calendar of in-store events to your page so customers know what is coming then review it and upload photos after the fact
· remember to promote your Facebook page instore on your information and on your website and other media

Next, we'll cover Twitter & Blogging....

Subsequent posts:

Social Media - Part 3.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Social Media 101 - Part 1

The way we communicate, promote and brand our business has changed forever with the emergence of Social Media. The old rules are obsolete and now is the time to embrace the new media and take full advantage of the new communication age. In an increasingly competitive market, retailers need to stand out from the crowd and increase their profile online and offline.

Retailers have a great opportunity to connect with current customers and find new customers at a low cost without technical/programming skills.

Over the last few months I have fully immersed myself in Social Media, predominantly Facebook, Twitter & Blogging. The results have pleasantly surprised me! I knew that there was a strong online community but being a part of these conversations and building relationships has enriched my business and me personally.

I have received many queries and questions from retailers and thought this article was a great opportunity to at least introduce the concept, demystify the media and encourage innovative entrepreneurial retailers to get started (or seek help starting!). I have included theory and practical application to help you start creating your Social Media strategy.

Wikipedia defines Social Media as:

“Social media are media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media supports the human need for social interaction, using Internet- and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers.”

The objective of a Social Media presence is to:
· establish your business as an authority in your field, be the ‘go-to’ store
· communicate with current customers
· reach out, find and connect with new customers who may be out of your local area (or country)
· create excitement about your brand
· increase your online profile and consumer awareness
· encourage regular contact with your market
· customise communications to suit different groups of customers

There is a lot to cover so I will break this article up over 4 posts...sit back, relax & enjoy...

Subsequent posts:
Social Media - Part 2.
Social Media - Part 3.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nancy speaks to Prue MacSween on 2GB

I was chuffed to be asked to talk about my favourite topic: Customer Service with Prue MacSween on her Small Business program on 2GB, 873 AM, last night, 29 September 2009.

I have long been a fan of Prue's, she is knowledgeable, funny, witty and is not afraid to raise a topic that should be discussed, even if it is unpopular.

There doesn't seem to be a better person to lead the discussions for small business.

I will be blogging about the separate things we talked about over the next few blogs, so please tell me about your experiences GOOD & BAD.

In the meantime, enjoy listening to our discussion (about 6 minutes):

Prue's show:

Small Business with Prue MacSween airs Monday - Thursday 7.00 - 8.00 pm on 2GB 873AM.

Magnolia Solutions

p: 02 9559 8870


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Customer Service is a lot like Dating

….at least the rules are the same!

The most important ingredient in the recipe for success is your customer – without the customer there is no retail business. Consumers are getting savvier and are far more knowledgeable than ever before. They are more demanding and have more choices now than ever before.

Compare retail now and past, as close as 3 years ago, and you would be looking at a different industry. In the past customers accepted bad customer service as the norm. Today’s customer no longer accepts it, is vocal and can influence others, on and off line!

It is not enough to know who your customers are, you need to know what their needs are, what appeals to them, where they are and how to treat them. You also need to recognise that not everybody that walks into your store is a customer and that you cannot be all things to all people. So select and define your customer carefully.

The right customer profile will ensure that you buy the right product, have the right staff and communicate effectively, ensuring you will maximise the profitability of your business.
It is my belief that each business does not really sell the products on the shelf, it sells customer service and this is what sets one store apart from the others. I have always viewed Customer
Service as problem solving, customers come into your store with a need, sometimes they don’t know what this is, and it is your job to solve the problem or find something that meets the need.
Once you have defined your customer and their needs, then you can start to build a relationship with them. By meeting their needs you will build trust and comfort with your customer, they feel good about shopping in your store, they know that you are the authority and they trust they are getting value when they shop in your store.

Defining what is good customer service is harder than it sounds. It is not as simple as saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and smiling at them when they enter the store (although these are important too!).

Customer Service is having what they want, when they want it. Customer Service encompasses every element and aspect of your business that communicates how your store and your products meet the needs and wants of the customer.It is great to build the relationship but you need to have the goods to back it up. Exceptional Customer Service is going that extra step that the customer does not expect or experience with your competitors. It must be constant and consistent. Exceptional Customer Service happens before, during and after the sale.

In the current retail market, the competitive advantage of each business will be their customer service. It is no longer enough to have just good customer service, you need to aspire to EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE in order to stand out. Despite its importance to the business’ success, many retailers still get it wrong and have low standards.

Think of Exceptional Customer Service in the same way as DATING.The attraction, the getting to know each other/ trust building and then the familiarity and comfort and lastly wanting to be around each other all the time! Excite & seduce your current, new and potential customers to ensure the relationship is established and grows.

In the past; people were looking for a mate to start a family with as per society’s norm and customer service was not a high priority of retailers or customers. Now the expectations are vastly different; people are looking for a partner who satisfies a long list of needs and customers are demanding exceptional customer service. Customers and daters are now looking for ‘The Total Package’.

Let’s look at the vital elements of exceptional customer service in comparison with dating:
  • You want to attract your customer at first glance, you must put effort into your appearance and not just for the first meeting or date, you must always look your best

  • You must be honest, polite and respectful, ALWAYS

  • Make sure you have enough in common, otherwise your objectives will not be met and you will be wasting each others’ time

  • Deliver what you promise and don’t promise what you can’t deliver!

  • Be realistic, don’t try and turn them into something they are not

  • Use the approach and ‘language’ that suits the subject, you need to be adaptable

  • Ask questions and LISTEN to the answers

  • Learn all you can about them and use this in your communication with them, to make your interaction with them relevant

  • Once you have identified their current needs, anticipate their future needs

  • Use humour and creativity to build and maintain the relationship

  • When you spend time together focus on them, don’t look over their shoulder at what else is happening

  • Constantly communicate and keep up to date with each other, don’t lose touch

  • Accept constructive criticism as a way of making the relationship stronger and maybe changing some of your bad habits!

  • Thank them every chance you get – show them they are valued

  • Recognise that sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war. There will be times when you have to apologise to a valued customer, even when you know you are right, for the long term on-going relationship.

  • Encourage them to introduce you to their friends!

  • Surprise them with your thoughtfulness

  • As we know that if any of these things are not genuine and maintained the relationship will not last and you have to do it over and over again, till you get it right!!
When you achieve this level of Exceptional Customer Service, your customer will shop without resistance. When you suggest an add-on product, they will see this as a valuable suggestion that will help them not a pushy sales person trying to make money. This is where you want to be to achieve profitable sales.
I used to manage the Manchester Department at Grace Bros. We had our regular customers and my staff and I made it our business to remember what they had bought or what they liked. If new stock came in that we thought they would like or a pattern they bought was going to be marked-down, we would call them (no email or sms then!) before it was put on the floor or the sale started. We made them feel important/special and offered them value. Over 50% of these conversations turned into a sale and over 50% of the sales resulted in other items being added to the purchase.
You want customers to become addicted to your great customer service and come back for more. Each time they come back they reaffirm their decision to come into your store and feel better than the last time. This repeat business is more profitable than the first sale.

Acquiring new customers is expensive. The cost of the first sale is more than double the cost of a returning customer. To ensure you have a profitable business you need to maintain a high rate of returning/repeat business.

Only 60% of satisfied customers do business with you again. So you really need to be aiming at 100% satisfaction to ensure profitable repeat business.
Exceptional Customer Service is one aspect that needs to be maintained and innovated continually to ensure customers do not go elsewhere. It is important to ensure that this is ongoing and evolving to encourage interest. Remember, there is a fine line, do not get too familiar so as to make your customer uncomfortable..

Develop a strategy for potential, new and regular customers. You need to do different things to entice and retain each type. If your strategy and systems have been developed properly, this will happen automatically without effort. We work with clients to analyse the business and develop a system and program to ensure the best results.

PHONE: +61 2 9559 8870

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Prospecting 101 for SMEs

Although I mainly work with retailers, I sometimes work with SMEs (small to medium enterprise).

I have just written a sales program for a client and thought I would post parts of it over the next few weeks.

I have generalised it here for the sake of the blog and anonymity, but this should get you started:

  1. The most important thing is to clearly define your customer; if you don’t know who they are you won’t know where to find them.

  2. Define your competitive advantage and your features and benefits – this will help you communicate the benefit of customers buying from you.
    Always remember that you are solving a customer’s problem; the solution is to work with you as you are the best solution for them - problem solved.

  3. Know where your competitors are and identify the gaps, in terms of location or product offer.
    If you think the same customer will benefit from your stock then approach them.
    If you think that there is a better customer near the one your competitor works with target them.

  4. Know where your final customer shops (your customer’s customer) and target customers there.
    Read magazines, blogs and other media and make a prospect list from this.
    Always keep an eye out for prospects, be ever alert!

  5. Do your homework online, on the phone and on foot! Ask questions, that will lead you to the prospects. When someone says no, try to find out why (without being rude or pushy) and try and avoid this in the next conversation!

  6. Prepare a phone script – this will help you be comfortable and concise.

  7. Don’t forget referrals. If you have a satisfied customer, ask them for a referral or suggestion of another customer. A happy customer will always want to help.

  8. Keep up to date records of your prospects and where you are at with them. Don’t ring the same person with the same shpiel – the door will forever be shut to you.

  9. Follow up when you say you will – if you can’t be relied on before they buy from you, they will not be encouraged in terms of the long term relationship.

  10. When you approach them it must be in a way and language they are comfortable with. Always try and speak to someone before sending anything as this will ensure your letter/info gets opened (at least).
    Don’t bombard them with information if they are not familiar with you. Be patient and take it one step at a time.
    Email is cheap but it is not as effective as it once was. Have a hard copy to send as well as some people don’t have or like email.

  11. The customer is always right – without them there is no business.
    Be polite, genuine and professional, don’t be familiar, flirty or sleazy.
    Listen to what they are saying and respond accordingly. If you don’t know the answer to something be honest and let them know you will find out and be back to them.

  12. Do not take any comments, criticism or rejection personally.
    These are professional interactions.
    You don’t know how a prospect’s day is going, what their past experience has been, what their preferences are. You may remind them of someone horrible, they may have had a bad experience with a similar product or they could just be an apathetic business person without any foresight.
    Whatever it is, be professional and move on.
    Remember; No means NO!
    But maybe touch base again in 3- 6 months!

Happy Sales!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Just when I had lost faith in customer service and passionate retailers (my customers excluded of course!), a friend took me to Gelatomassi in Newtown on Sunday for what he said was, "the best Gelato in Sydney (possibly Australia)".

We were in Concord so this was a lot of pressure to put on one place! I liked the Gelato from Concord too but was intrigued by what would make someone go across town to have this gelato. So the challenge was on!
As we approached the store on King St, I felt like I was visiting an authentic Gelateria in Italy far, far away from King St. The colours, the smells, the gelati and the larger than life OWNER!! Salvatore greets EVERY customer with a genuine greeting, is attentive and gives specific advise. Every customer is treated like his first - I loved it!!

There was no doubt that he was the owner, and that he loved his job which you got the feeling was not really a job! He described each flavour with such detail, that I could taste each one as we went through to choose??? Salvatore knew when to give me space to decide and when to step in - a true, passionate retailer!

We sat opposite the Gelato counter and I watched the maestro at work. It was like watching a conductor with his orchestra! Managing every action; the customers entering, deciding, buying, sitting, leaving........the flow was seamless!

Out of nowhere, as if he could read our minds, Salvatore appeared with glasses of water and even shared a mandarin from his own tree with us!! I was in retail heaven!!

You have to understand, lately I have been really focusing on customer service and concluded that people have very low expectations, which sadly are being met by more retailers than not! I have been very lucky to have been working with passionate retailers over the last few years. These retailers make the others look even worse.

Notice I have barely mentioned the actual product here? Product can be duplicated in other businesses - it is the experience that is the differentiator!! (BTW - the product was deliziosa!! my friend was right!)

A Truly Fabulous Retail Experience is one where you walk out with a smile on your face after spending your money, thanking the retailer for making you feel happy! I don't like to reward bad behaviour and bad retail. If I walk into a store, cafe, restaurant or business and don't feel like I am appreciated, I leave - simple!

Consistency is super important here. How many times have we gone back to a store after a great experience only to be super disappointed?! To do it once is not enough, to do it twice is not enough. High standards must be aimed for, achieved and maintained. Make no mistake, retail is tough and the only difference between you and your competitors is your service and standard!

At Gelatomassi, I was happy to part with my money and spend some time in Salvatore's world and eat my gelato & sorbet and when I said thanks and bye, I knew I would be back.

Share your story with me - tell me about the BEST retail experience you have had!

Experience it yourself!

262 King St, Newtown
phone: 9516 0655

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bit about Me!


I thought I would cut my Bio short so that you can see all of the other things we have here! What to do with all the other info that gives you an insight into me and my business?
So I can put it here!

Over the past 20 years I have acquired many skills and things I love!

I am a paper lover, retail specialist, trainer, consultant, product designer, wholesaler and now adding blogger!!

I started Paper Magnolia in 2004, bringing exquisite stationery to Australia and developing my own products in response to the market. Fine Stationery is back in style and Australians are once again embracing fine, quality stationery. We work with great retailers from around Australia and New Zealand.
We pride ourselves on having products that are 'retail ready' as they have been developed with the market in mind. We understand the needs and limitations of retail and how best to work with retailers. Being a Grace Bros Management Cadet means that my knowledge and expertise in retail is based on a practical experience from the ground up!

Magnolia Solutions is our newest 'product', really a 'service', which has organically developed from our close relationships with customers and applying our retail marketing skills. Retail is hard work and we understand the vital elements required to create a successful retail business.

Magnolia Solutions offers customers creative marketing solutions for their retail business. We are working with retailers in all product categories. Despite the current economic climate, we are working to bring the theatre back in to retail while increasing profits.

Our packages have been developed to help customers as much, or as little, as they need it.
We offer packages from; a Business Health Check, Communications Package, Promotions Package and Full Embedded Support.
As with any business we have been evolving. We also work with some clients as their external Marketing Department which has been great fun and wonderful to see some projects that have been on the drawing board for a long time come to fruition and be successful!

Results are immediate, as is customers’ renewed enthusiasm in fine-tuning their business and getting on with what they love - being great retailers!

Enjoy the Blog!

Don't forget to leave your comments and let me know if there are any topics you would like explored!

Nancy :-)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Australian Business Women's Network

To survie AND thrive in business you need a great support network and membership in associations that will enhance your business is an important tool.

Choosing the associations and network is not easy, there are plenty of groups wanting your money but you need to assess what it is that you get from them.
I chose the Australian Business Women's Network (ABN) and am happy to say that I have not regretted it for one minute!

My ABN membership is so much more than a simple email newsletter and sporadic networking events.

The ABN provides information, education and opportunities to meet like minded businesswomen. I am constantly impressed by the calibre of other members in every encounter.

I am able to learn and network at a time that suits me through the blog, webinars and the Know-How Now community. It is really important that we are able to use up to date technology and learn about the relevance to our own businesses.

I am still learning and exploring all of the ABN tools and am looking forward to growing my business and network with the support of the ABN. I also value the fact that I am able to particpate in the ABN. This is how I run my own business and work with my own customers.

Every time I have had contact with the ABN Team, I have always felt like a valuable member and not treated like a 'subscriber'. This personal touch, lead by Suzi Dafnis, an accomplished, genuine woman provides immediate support when needed.

Recently, I had the opportunity to be involved in a panel discussion, chaired by Suzi Dafnis, ABN Community Director. This was an interesting stimulating meeting where we all had the opportunity to discuss our own needs and experiences. Suzi discssed new initiatives and programs that have been developed as a result of ABN research and member feedback.

The ABN is certainly relevant to me, my business and the current climate. I would encourage every woman running a business to join and grow with the support of the ABN and other members.

Oh! By the way, it is not exclusively for women, there are men in the ABN...

If you have any questions about the ABN you would like to ask me, please leave a comment and I will reply.

I encourage you to visit the site and explore what the ABN has to offer. Visit:

Thursday, June 25, 2009

TIP - Be Disciplined EVERY DAY

Before I start, let me tell you : I had to learn this skill myself!! So I am a convert and like all reformees, I am often found on the soap box beating this drum!!

Routine is really important in any business but especially in RETAIL! At the same time it is a hard thing to do when every day is different to the previous day and not the same as the next...

As a retailer, you are busy wearing every hat in the business: sales person, orderer, merchandiser, trainer, supply officer, mediator, innovator etc... Then there are the fires that have to be put out every day....this also means that things just don't get done and ultimately, opportunities can be missed.

As a result, tasks that can be done in a short time, usually get put off and then take triple the time to do / fix when they are finally addressed.

Create a weekly calendar, break it up into 30 minute blocks and schedule time for the regular tasks that need to be done: checking signage instore, house-keeping, merchandising, checking and unpacking orders, ordering, training, staff meetings, rosters, supplier correspondence, planning etc.. of course block out the busy periods - the calendar must be realistic and achievable.

You will also find that you will manage your time better as you know that you can deal with non-urgent issues in an allocated time and not as everything pops up.

Let's talk about delegation soon....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Featured Client - NIGHTINGALES

Australia's Leading Wedding Planners and Stylists

Kathy Apostolidis established Nightingales in 1994.
Since then Nightingales' team of Wedding Planners and Stylists has been setting benchmarks for quality and service in the Wedding Industry both in Australia and overseas.
Widely considered as experts in their field, Nightingales' weddings and consultants have featured in numerous magazines including: Bride 2 Be, Real Weddings, Complete Wedding, Cosmopolitan and OK Magazine.
Nightingales have recently launched their updated website so that couples can explore the options and services available to them whenever they choose.
Sourcing only the best venues, caterers, accesosories, flowers and team members ensures the couple will have nothing to worry about on their special day other than to experience true pleasure at sharing their special day with family and guests.
Nightingales have created dream weddings for many celebrity clients including; David Campbell & Lisa Hewitt and Savage Garden's Daniel Johns & Hi-5's Kathleen de Leon.
This said, every client is treated the same at Nightingales.
Nightingales caters for the varying needs and requests of any couple. The team can work with Weddings of any size and locations all over Australia.
Assorted Packages are available - from a Sourcing List of the best suppliers & venues or Wedding Day Support right through to the whole shebang - styling, sourcing and executing!
After doing their research online, couples are invited to visit the Wedding Salon in Ultimo, Nightingales' showroom. Kathy and her team offer an obligation free consultation to discuss the requirements of the couple to ensure they have the wedding they have always wanted.
Nightingales skill and expertise is not limited to weddings, they work with large venues and businesses on corporate events of all sizes, budgets and locations.
or call : 02 9212 7118

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Share the Smiles!!

Just created a Facebook Page called "Awww, How Nice Is This?" so that we can share the things that make us smile and the nice things that people do!

Please become a fan of the page and share with your friends!!
Like this rose from our garden - so divine no?

Maybe we can help the world smile, one face at a time!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Marketing, no longer a luxury, it’s vital for survival!

Retail has never been more complicated. Consumers have access to more information, choice and options than ever before.

Your customer is comparing you to other stores, sites and products from the comfort of their home.

You can communicate with your customer via: post, email, radio, sms, local paper, facebook, twitter, online advertising and the list goes on.

Once upon a time, fliers or glossy brochures, with a nice script font heading, were all that was needed to catch the consumer’s eye – not any more! Marketing is not just what gets sent out, it encompasses every aspect of your business, instore and out; Including visual merchandising, product mix, pricing strategy, store layout, events, customer loyalty programs, customer service, staff , training etc

It has never been more important to get your Marketing in order and be clear about what your business is and what you offer so that your customer knows exactly who you are and what you are offering.

I am currently reading “Retail selling ain’t brain surgery…it’s twice as hard” by James E.Dion. It is so true!! As retailers you have to work with variables – nothing is guaranteed or fixed, it is constantly changing and you need to keep up.
The Marketing Objective must be very clear, increasing sales and profit in a strategic way. You may focus on one element of the mix at a particular time but all the elements must be inline with each other.

For example; you may be having a Customer Shopping Event. The objective may be to increase customer awareness of a new product range and the services available instore.

You will have your checklist: the store will be immaculate and fully stocked, the VM areas strong, organise a gift bag, maybe some supplier demonstrations, your best staff will be rostered on and a special offer.

Properly executed, this will ultimately lead to increased sales and a more ‘profitable’ customer. The customer has learned more about you and your store. They are now aware of the store, the products and the services. They will feel warm and fuzzy at being treated as a special customer and want to feel this way again. Marketing builds a relationship with the customer through better communication and matching of customer needs to the store’s offering. So the customer will not just come back once, but repeatedly and often, they are more comfortable and feel valued with each visit.

Looking at a different scenario; if the objective was to increase sales short term, the effort would be smaller but so would the returns, long term. You get all your ‘dead’ stock, hire a few trestle tables, print off some signs on the computer and voila! Money is in the till and stock is cleared. But long term, have you build lasting relationships with profitable customers? No. Thus the importance of the objective, its definition and subsequent execution.

This said, different objectives have their place. There will be times when profit is more important, or sales increase is the focus or long term sales the main objective and you should have a strategy for each.

In the same way that you call an electrician, computer specialist and take your car to a mechanic, there is help to be had outside your business. Marketing and technology are changing faster than ever before.

Outsourcing is not something as small business owners we like to do but it is just as vital as having a good accountant do your books and a lawyer to take care of your legal position. Business owners don't have the time to do everything involved in running a successful profitable business - there are many hats to be worn. They should be the conductor of the orchestra - not the player of every instrument.

There is software available to aid in data collection and analyse the data (sales, products, shopping cycles etc) thereby ensuring decisions are made on fact and not just gut-feel (which has its place too).
Computers can be as easy or as hard, simple or as complicated as you like, you just need to know who to ask.

As with any profession, there are guides and rules to follow which is the backbone of a successful business. But the flair, passion and awareness of customers and what they want, is the flesh on the backbone and the skill in knowing and managing this, is what ultimately separates the leaders from the imitators!

Marketing specialists are to your business what your mechanic is to your car – they will keep it going and running. As business owners, sometimes we need an outside objective perspective that is not coloured by history. It means that you are working with someone who spends 100% of their time learning about the marketing, adapting to changes and thinks strategically.

If you have a sound marketing background but don’t have time to execute your fabulous ideas, outsource this part too. The investment you make will be back to you 10 fold, if the strategy is correct. You need to weigh up the options: of not doing or constantly putting off a project– things don’t change. If you try and fit a project into your already full schedule, you will not be giving anything 100% especially the day to day tasks of running a retail business. If you outsource the task and pay ‘x’ dollars then the objective must be that the revenue is 10 time ‘x’ leaving you will a profit at the end of the task. The key is to work out what your time per hour costs not just in terms of dollars but also what else – more productive activities – can you be doing at this time.

Let me give you an example: you are a gift store, do you give your customers gifts? Do you know who your customers are and what they want? Do you know how to collect this information? When you do collect it, how do you store it? Finally, how do you use it to build sales and create a profitable customer? This is a simplified way of looking at your customer database but it is a vital first step.

In conclusion, when thinking about Marketing and your business the question is not ‘Can I afford to do it?’ but “Can I afford not to do it?”!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

BY THE BY - MARS BARS, Why don't they just tell the truth?

From time to time, I will be commenting on something in the news that catches my interest...

Today, it is the news that Mars bars will be 7g (or 11.3%) smaller and the price will be the same...

Mars Snackfood Australia general manager Peter West said the move was a direct response to Australia's obesity debate and the company's bars had too many calories. (

What a load of hooey!!!

Why can't they just say that the raw materials are increasing in price and they don't want to increase the sell price?? They are running a business so they can make business decisions...

To say that they are reducing the calories for the welfare of their customers is insulting to our collective intelligence!!

If they really cared about the health and welfare of their customers they would stop making all of their products immediately and start growing fruit and vege...

Why don't they just tell the truth???

Almost everything we buy now is smaller than it once was - we aren't stupid. This is not how to build trust with customers.

I for one will no longer be buying any Mars Snackfoods products. I will be voting with my dollar..

What do you think?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Stationery is the New Candle

If someone told me that candles would be sold for $80.00 when I started my retail career as a Grace Bros cadet 22 years go, I would have thought they were dreaming!

The dream is a reality, with candles in all sizes, colours, fragrances, packaging and prices, becoming a key gift item over the last 10 years. In fact, there are dedicated stores that sell candles and all that goes with them.

Whilst I am a big fan of the candle and have them all over my house with backup in the linen cupboard, I think that I am a little candled-out and I am not alone.

When looking at the ‘next big thing’ we need to look at why the ‘current big thing’ was so popular. They appeal to a wide range of tastes, have multiple applications, appeal to both men and women, are ageless, have a fashion component and are functional.
Consumer value-perception is changing. They value a well designed piece, quality material and functionality. They will pay a little more for something that is different and not widely available.
Candles are; attractive, scented, evoke emotion, gorgeously packed, part of home-décor and don’t need to be hidden, suitable for a wide variety of tastes and ages and most importantly are functional as they are used and not just decoration! They are not a risky item for you to stock in your stores.

The retail landscape is also changing, we now have emerging specialists who are carving a place for themselves amongst the mass merchandisers and department stores. They offer a greater assortment of product, move with the trends faster and have a higher level of customer service.

When shopping at these stores consumers seek a ‘special’ total shopping experience which encompasses product, ambience, service and location. Price, while still an influencer, is not a deciding factor.

When looking at their product mix, Gift and Homeware Stores need to include products that these emerging specialists are selling. This will ensure they are capitalising on the growing awareness and consumer demand built by the specialist. To ignore this would be to drive your customers towards the specialty stores.

One example is the trend back to writing stationery.
The evolution of writing and boxed stationery, which includes fashion prints, notepads, journals, boxed cards, tags, photo albums etc, in the mainstream market is easy to follow over the past few years in Australia.

Specialty paper/stationery stores did not exist in Australia eight years ago. More and more specialists are opening their doors and creating a destination for arbiters of functional, attractive stationery and writing materials and all that goes with them.
Consumers are exposed to these stores and seeking a wider variety of these products in their normal shopping destinations.
Once upon a time, a card was $1.00 and the thought that we would be buying $10.00 cards was unbelievable. Now, it is a reality with a range of cards and wrap that rival London’s Paperchase stores.
Emails and social websites, such as Facebook, have only enhanced the need for personal communication and contact. Increasingly, I hear that people do not have time to read personal emails and are sick of only receiving bills in the mail. With such a wide variety of papers and cards available, finding your signature piece is easier than ever before.

Once a status symbol of the upper classes, fine-writing stationery, and gorgeous notecards are now sought after by the gift buying consumer. For years we dreamed of visiting the stores of the masters; Smythson of Bond Street in London, Crane & Co from the USA, Kate’s Paperie in New York and Cassegrain in Paris. In fact, it was on these trips that we stocked up as we could not buy such things in Australia.

Today’s consumer is now aware of these products in Australia and has added them to their shopping list when shopping at home. They desire something that is not just attractive and usable but also a reflection of their style.

So this leads me to make this bold statement – Stationery is the new Candle.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I am so excited that my first article is in the current issue of Greetings & Gifts!!

Although my title was "Stationery is the New Candle" the article is still the same!!
I will post the article in real size!

We got some great editorial too on our new lines!!

Here's our latest advert - nice huh?
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy weekend!
cheers :-)
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